
Always up-to-date and personally informed about all topics concerning Weiss Immobilien.
Real estate maintenance

Get a better grip on refurbishment costs

Structural changes can be pending for a variety of reasons. Whether renovations for maintenance, modernization or a visual upgrade, whether measures for greater energy efficiency or planned changes of use, every renovation must be planned in detail and expertly to keep costs as low as possible.

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Real estate maintenance

How to live sustainably and ecologically

Due to climate change, the topics of sustainability and ecology are becoming increasingly important. Every individual can contribute to protecting the environment – it starts in their own four walls. Are you wondering how sustainable living works and what to look out for? You can find the answers in this article.

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Moderne Wohnung
Real estate marketing

How To: Create Exposé

It is considered the business card of your real estate and decides decisively on your sales chances: the exposé. The document in brochure form presents your property textually and pictorially and establishes the first contact between you and your prospects. In our video, we reveal what matters when it comes to design and how you can appeal to and convince a wide range of prospects.

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Real estate purchase

How inflation affects construction financing

Ten percent – that’s how high the inflation rate has been since October, recording the highest value since 1951. There is no reduction in sight. Since the prime rate has been raised along with inflation, prospective buyers are right to ask: How will inflation affect my construction financing? We explain it to you.

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