What does the new energy passport mean for building owners?

Following the sudden halt to KfW funding for efficient buildings, a paradigm shift in climate policy is on the horizon. In the future, the Co2 emission value will decide on possible funding. What does this mean for new buildings and renovations?

The new sustainability certificate will replace the old energy certificate, which was difficult to understand, especially for consumers. In the future, not only energy consumption and economy will be evaluated, but also the sustainability of the building material. The carbon footprint of the materials and processes used is therefore becoming increasingly important. These new regulations can lead to less expensive construction and renovation measures compared to the old KfW-40 standard. Incidentally, the German sustainability certificate also fits in with the requirements of the planned EU Buildings Directive.

Good to know: It is becoming apparent that there could be transitional solutions for private developers and for companies planning apartments for social purposes. Hardship provisions are planned for applications for KfW funding that have already been submitted – for example, for non-profit providers and for social housing. Currently, there are 24,000 open applications, 4,000 of which are from private home builders.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) signaled support for private developers over the weekend. “We won’t leave them in the lurch,” Lindner told Der Spiegel. “On the contrary, it is my goal that the dream of owning their own home can become a reality for more people. If the coalition agrees on this, then I will make it possible that there is still funding here.”

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