Safely into the cold season – how to winterize the house

Whether snow, frost, hail or storms - extreme weather conditions prevail in winter, which not infrequently cause damage to the house. How to winterize your property and thus protect yourself from all weather conditions, we explain in this article.

Prepare your heating

Before winter sets in, be sure to have your heating system serviced. Also, check the water pressure. If this is too low, you will need to add water. In addition, you should bleed all the radiators so that the hot water can flow properly through the heating system.

Do you have oil heating? Refuel them early, because in the winter not only delivery times, but also prices increase significantly.

Check the seals of the windows and doors

Proper heating is of little use if your windows and doors are leaking. Over the years, the insulation and insulation deteriorate. Therefore, check the hinges and adjust the windows if necessary. Inspect the seals and apply elastic care products. If cracks are already found on them, they must be replaced by an expert.

Check roof

Northern Germany in particular frequently struggles with hurricane-like storms. With these, roof tiles that are already loose quickly come loose – a danger to anyone near your home. Therefore, check the roof for defects before the cold season. In regions where snowfall is particularly heavy, a professional should inspect your roof.

In addition, free the gutter from dirt autumn leaves, so that the melted water can drain without problems.

Secure outdoor area and garden

Winterize not only your house, but also your garden. Trim back trees to protect yourself and those around you from falling branches during storms. Also, put garden furniture and non-hardy plants safely in the garage or basement.

With an outdoor faucet, there is a risk of frost damage to the pipes in the winter. You can prevent this by closing the shut-off valve and turning on the discharge valve. Then open the drain valve and let the remaining water run out of the line. Thus, you effectively protect faucets and pipes from the cold.

You have questions about the topic? Do not hesitate to contact us. We at WEISS IMMOBILIEN are your experts for Hamburg and the region and will be happy to assist you with our specialist knowledge.

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