
Always up-to-date and personally informed about all topics concerning Weiss Immobilien.
Real estate purchase

Is the investment of a vacation property worth it?

Who does not dream of their own four walls in a paradisiacal place? Never again fully booked hotels, instead sun, sea and relaxation as often as you like. The advantages are obvious: you can design the property exactly according to your own ideas, you are not dependent on seasonal prices and you can go on vacation spontaneously at any time. In addition, you will get to know the local culture in a completely different way than a normal vacation visitor. However, investing in your own property is only financially worthwhile if the purchase is well considered. We explain what you should look out for.

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Real estate purchase

Special features when buying old buildings

The climate debate has also long since reached the real estate sector. However, energy efficiency and resource conservation are not only an issue for new buildings and are often part of the legal requirements. The same applies to old buildings: Buyers can no longer avoid energy-efficient housekeeping and modernization. But what do homebuyers actually need to pay attention to?

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Real estate purchase

Is real estate profitable as an investment?

Are you concerned with the question of whether real estate is profitable as an investment and how you can recognize a suitable property? Our brokers in Hamburg will provide you with comprehensive information on this topic and tell you why real estate as an investment is advantageous for you as an investor.

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Real estate market

Rent index, rent brake and comparative rent explained in brief

In Germany, many tenants have the problem of finding affordable housing. Terms such as Mietpreisbremse, Mietspiegel and Vergleichsmiete are particularly relevant to this issue. For laypersons, these are often difficult to understand and distinguish. In this blog post, we’ll explain what these terms mean and how they relate to each other.

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Real estate market

“Qua vadis real estate prices 2023?”

The real estate market has changed direction. After many years of continuous price increases, we are now seeing property prices falling again for the first time, especially in rural and structurally weak regions.

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Financial tips

New property tax reform

A recalculated property tax is to apply in Germany from 2025. For this purpose, owners* must file a property tax return between July 1 and October 31, 2022.

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Real estate maintenance

How to realize low budget renovations

Selling your own property at the ideal price: Every owner dreams of this. In doing so, you have the increase in value in your own hands – and you don’t even need a lot of money to do it. We explain in our video how you can achieve great things even with a small budget.

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Hamburger Häuser
Real estate maintenance

Spring tips for homeowners

As soon as the days get longer and the birds start chirping, spring is in the air. The sun is getting stronger day by day, light conquers the garden and house, and the first ground plants and shrubs sprout. High time to take a close look at the property after the long winter and prepare your property for the young year.

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Real estate sale

Tips that will instantly upgrade your interior for a sale

When selling real estate, first impressions count, and it’s not just about tidiness and cleanliness. Your interior design should also be convincing. Because with harmonious furniture you create a feel-good atmosphere and increase the chances of selling within a short time and at a good price. The upgrade is also particularly worthwhile if you want to sell parts of your furnishings along with it.

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