Real estate sale

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Real estate sale

How To: Recognize Unsuitable Buyers

The house is finally sold, but there is no trace of the money: What sounds like a nightmare often corresponds to reality. In our video, we give you helpful tips on how to recognize unsuitable buyers at first glance and thus protect yourself from unpleasant surprises.

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Real estate sale

Real estate annuity – The different models at a glance

To supplement their pensions, many seniors think about selling their homes – even though they don’t actually want to move out. A so-called real estate annuity can be the solution here. In our new YouTube video, we explain the most common annuitization models and show you how to improve your financial situation without parting with your home.

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Real estate sale

Tips that will instantly upgrade your interior for a sale

When selling real estate, first impressions count, and it’s not just about tidiness and cleanliness. Your interior design should also be convincing. Because with harmonious furniture you create a feel-good atmosphere and increase the chances of selling within a short time and at a good price. The upgrade is also particularly worthwhile if you want to sell parts of your furnishings along with it.

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Real estate sale

What sellers look for in the applicant portfolio

Once you have visited your dream property, everything revolves around the thought: This is where I want to live. You quickly start planning the room layout and furnishings – even if the seller hasn’t even agreed yet. To avoid disappointment, it pays to invest time in an appealing applicant portfolio. With this, you will stand out from the other prospects and increase your chances. In this post, we reveal what property owners look for in their documents.

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Real estate sale

The Notarial Purchase Contract – An Interview with Hamburg Notary Dr. Pfeifer

Have you finally found your dream property or are you about to hand over your home to a lucky buyer? Then it’s time for the notarization of the purchase contract, which seals a successful real estate purchase and sale. In our new video, we talk to Hamburg notary Dr. Pfeifer from the Bergstrasse notary’s office and explain everything you need to know about notarization at the notary’s office.

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Real estate sale

Sell or rent?

If you own a property that you no longer want to use yourself, you can either sell it or rent it out. The decision on this is usually not made quite so quickly – and that’s a good thing. There is no universal answer here, and you should think carefully about which option is right for you. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and which choice makes you happier in the long run depends entirely on your situation and personal attitude.

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Real estate sale

Tips for unmarried couples when selling real estate

Whether it’s a change of job, a new generation, a separation or the desire to move to a new place of residence, the reasons for selling a house are many and varied. However, if you and your partner are not married, dividing the proceeds of the sale is more complicated than for married couples because ownership is less protected by law. Therefore, we explain what you need to pay attention to.

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Real estate sale

Faster sales success with innovative video production

Anyone who buys a property wants to be convinced. The real estate offer must stand out from the crowd and impress prospective buyers at first glance. We at WEISS IMMOBILIEN offer you an exclusive service that strikes a chord with the times and puts your property in the spotlight in a high-quality manner. Our professional production team creates real estate videos that excite prospects and lead to faster sales success.

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