
Always up-to-date and personally informed about all topics concerning Weiss Immobilien.

FOCUS Online reports about us

For 30 years, our family business WEISS IMMOBILIEN has stood for expertise and quality. Above all, the personal exchange with our customers motivates us and confirms us in our work. This means that you benefit every day anew from precisely the first-class all-round service that you desire. We are particularly pleased that word of our quality has spread far beyond Hamburg and that FOCUS Online has reported on our work.

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Team interview part 2: Get to know our team from another side

Professional, competent and friendly – that’s what we at WEISS IMMOBILIEN stand for. Above all, thanks to the strong team cohesion, we offer our customers an excellent all-round service every day. In our new YouTube video with the (not entirely serious) title “Why you shouldn’t work at WEISS IMMOBILIEN” you will get to know our team from a particularly personal side – spontaneous, unembellished and with a pinch of self-irony.

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The IMMOMENT Mentoring Program of IMMOEBS e.V. – active exchange for your business

IMMOEBS, the largest alumni network in the German-speaking real estate industry, offers a unique mentoring program. Within the framework of IMMOMENT, young professionals and young executives establish valuable contacts with people who have many years of experience in the real estate industry. In our new video, Felix Weiss talks to his mentor Olaf Fortmann, Managing Director of HBB Capital Investors GmbH, and provides exciting insights.

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How to become a real estate agent?

From individual customer advice to active support in the purchase or sale of real estate to the successful completion of the sale: the tasks of a real estate agent are extremely diverse. But how does one actually become a real estate agent? In our new video, we explain the different ways you can get to your dream job.

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Behind the scenes at WEISS IMMOBILIEN

For 30 years WEISS IMMOBILIEN has been assisting you with passion and the highest level of expertise in all real estate matters. But who is actually behind the company? In our YouTube video you will get to know a part of our team.

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