
Always up-to-date and personally informed about all topics concerning Weiss Immobilien.
Real Estate Knowledge

What you need to know about the land register

If you are selling your property or fulfilling your dream of owning a new home, one of the most important steps is to change the entry in the land register. After all, only someone who is listed in the land register is the legal owner. Are you wondering what exactly the land register contains and who is allowed to view it? Find out the answers in our new video.

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Modernes Stadthaus
Real Estate Knowledge

Divide apartment house – the most important info

You own a multi-family house and would like to sell individual condominiums from this property? Then you have to divide the house into separate units according to the Condominium Act. We explain in our video which steps are necessary for the split and what you have to pay attention to exactly.

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Real Estate Knowledge

What to consider when moving abroad?

You want to know which documents you need for a foreign move and which authorities have to be contacted? Whether you want to emigrate for professional reasons or seek your private happiness far away from home: We at WEISS IMMOBILIEN, as an internationally active real estate agent, inform you about the most important points for preparing your move.

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Teamfoto Weiss Immobilien
Real estate purchase

Your guide to checkout in Germany

You have the necessary small change together and have located the property of your desire? Then all that’s left for you to do is to go through the buying process. You don’t really know how the whole thing works? Don’t worry, we’ll enlighten you here. We will guide you step by step through the individual steps of a purchase transaction in Germany and explain to you exactly what to expect.

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Real estate purchase

How to find your perfect property

You would like to buy a property for you and your family in Hamburg? Are you looking for a suitable capital investment? To find a property that fits your individual needs, several factors come into play. To help you find your dream property, we explain what to look for when making your choice.

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Real estate marketing

Open house tour – the special kind of real estate tour

If you are selling or renting your property, a so-called open house tour is an uncomplicated and efficient way to present your property to a large number of interested parties in just one appointment. The term originates from America and is to be understood like an open day. In our video you will learn what you need to consider during an open house visit and what advantages as well as disadvantages it brings.

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Real estate sale

Sell or rent?

If you own a property that you no longer want to use yourself, you can either sell it or rent it out. The decision on this is usually not made quite so quickly – and that’s a good thing. There is no universal answer here, and you should think carefully about which option is right for you. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and which choice makes you happier in the long run depends entirely on your situation and personal attitude.

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Team interview part 2: Get to know our team from another side

Professional, competent and friendly – that’s what we at WEISS IMMOBILIEN stand for. Above all, thanks to the strong team cohesion, we offer our customers an excellent all-round service every day. In our new YouTube video with the (not entirely serious) title “Why you shouldn’t work at WEISS IMMOBILIEN” you will get to know our team from a particularly personal side – spontaneous, unembellished and with a pinch of self-irony.

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The IMMOMENT Mentoring Program of IMMOEBS e.V. – active exchange for your business

IMMOEBS, the largest alumni network in the German-speaking real estate industry, offers a unique mentoring program. Within the framework of IMMOMENT, young professionals and young executives establish valuable contacts with people who have many years of experience in the real estate industry. In our new video, Felix Weiss talks to his mentor Olaf Fortmann, Managing Director of HBB Capital Investors GmbH, and provides exciting insights.

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