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Modernes Einfamilienhaus
Real estate maintenance

Roof insulation pays off, but violations can be very expensive

Anyone who bought his house after February 1, 2002, must professionally insulate the roof truss or attic. If he fails to do so, he will face severe fines. The Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) contains regulations on the mandatory renovation of old buildings. Violations of these regulations are punishable by fines of up to 50,000 euros.

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Real estate maintenance

Energy efficiency and insulation: how can I better insulate my property?

When it comes to saving energy, the first thing many owners think of is replacing their heating system. At the same time, you must not neglect the insulation of your property. Your heating system can be as modern as it is – if the windows are leaky or the facade insulation is inadequate, the heat escapes immediately and ensures poor energy efficiency. We explain simple tips on how to better insulate your property and effectively save on heating costs.

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Real estate market

Comeback of existing properties?

In the past, when investors had a choice between a newly built property and an existing property, the choice usually fell on the new construction. That has changed. New construction in Germany has been in crisis not only since the start of the war in Ukraine. Shortages of materials, increases in construction costs and the explosion in energy costs make new construction projects difficult to calculate. More and more real estate experts now suspect a comeback of the old building.

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