High time to make the garden ready for summer

A beautiful garden does not fall from the sky. It needs work, brains and care. We have collected a few tips and ideas for you. So that the summer also keeps what it promises.

Spruce up the pond

Ponds are most beautiful when the water is clear and the overall pond is well vegetated. Remove all dead plants and plant debris. Then prune plants that are firmly overgrown and insert new plants if there are gaps after pruning. Vacuum out debris and silt to get the clearest pond water possible. We recommend a pond mud vacuum cleaner or a landing net. Please pay attention to any microorganisms such as frogs, fish, insects, etc. that may be present.

Check garden tools

Free spades and other garden tools from rust. Unusable tools must now be sorted out and replaced with new equipment. If devices are operated by rechargeable battery, you should also check their function. Is everything in its place? Are supplies of fertilizer, seed and accessories sufficient?

Cut back shrubs and trees

Perennials and perennial herbs, such as lavender or rosemary, must be cut back generously now so that the new shoots have enough room. Please cut back fruit trees only after the last frost.

Remove old flowers from rhododendrons

Rhododendrons require special attention: withered must be removed – preferably break away the old flower – and inspect the plant for pest infestation. The soil is fertilized and if it is too firm, loosen it slightly on the surface.

Optimal care for roses

Cut away any parts of the rose that have faded, along with the two or three rose petals underneath. In this way, you prevent seed set and stimulate new sprouting. Towards the end of June, you can fertilize the beds or pots.

Properly raise tomatoes

Stingy shoots, the shoots visible in the leaf axils, break out regularly and tie the strong central shoot to a stake or stick. No more than two shoots are raised. The lower two to three leaves you need to remove, because from here could start rot. Very important: never chop under tomatoes, because their roots grow very shallow!

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