What should be considered when renovating residential properties? Promotion and tips

Making good things better, renewing old things, letting the future in: The refurbishment and modernization of real estate in Hamburg is an important part of urban development. There are numerous funding opportunities and tips that can help make properties more energy efficient, increase home comfort, and increase property values.

Careful planning and selection of tradesmen as well as consideration of energy efficiency measures are of great importance. KfW offers funding programs supported by the German government. “Age-appropriate remodeling” (159) is an important step in making one’s home safer and more comfortable. KfW offers a promotional loan for this purpose, which can be applied for regardless of the applicant’s age. With an APR starting at 3.25%, you can get up to €50,000 to remove barriers in your home and protect against burglary.

Energy-efficient renovation of residential buildings is not only good for the environment, but also for the wallet. KfW offers a promotional loan (261) for this purpose. Refurbishments can be financed with an APR starting at 0.81%. There is a loan of up to € 150,000 for an emerging efficiency house. To facilitate repayment, there are repayment subsidies ranging from 5% to 45%, depending on efficiency. In addition, it is possible to apply for further subsidies, such as for construction supervision.

In addition to KfW, BAFA also promotes energy-efficient renovations with grants.

Funding is provided for individual measures on existing buildings that contribute to increasing the building’s energy efficiency on the building envelope, such as windows or doors and insulation of the exterior walls or roof. The installation of plant technology in existing buildings to increase the energy efficiency of the building, such as an energy-efficient ventilation and air-conditioning system, is also subsidized. The funding rate is 15% of eligible expenses.

In addition, the installation of efficient heat generators and of systems for heating support as well as the construction, conversion, expansion of a building network or the connection to a building network or a heating network are subsidized. The subsidy rate is at least 10%, or more depending on the type of heat generation.

A small fly in the ointment: The eligible costs for energy-efficient renovation measures in residential buildings are capped at €60,000 per residential unit and calendar year, and at a maximum of €600,000 per building in total. We strongly recommend consulting with an energy efficiency expert during the design process to verify and confirm proper workmanship in order to achieve full funding opportunities.

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