Tiny Houses – What you need to know about the new trend

They are usually no larger than 50 square meters and set new standards in terms of ecology and sustainability: Tiny Houses. But where does the trend come from and how do you fulfill the dream of a small house yourself? We'll tell you in this post.

What is a Tiny House?

The so-called Tiny Houses are small dwellings in a variety of forms. It is common to distinguish between three types: Tiny Houses on wheels, whose size corresponds to a maximum of 25 square meters, variable modular houses, which range from 15 to 100 square meters, and typical mini-houses, which also have a maximum size of 100 square meters.

The roots of the trend lie in the USA. At the end of the 1990s, a US American built the first mobile mini-house. For several years, more and more Germans are interested in the special type of real estate. Especially for students or people who want to reduce their housing costs, a Tiny House is the ideal alternative to a regular property.

Purchase of a Tiny House

Meanwhile, you can find numerous suppliers of Tiny Houses, offering complete solutions or houses with customization options. Prices usually start at 25,000 euros, depending on size and equipment. Guidebooks in the field often convey the image that you can build a mini-house yourself, even uncomplicated. The reality is usually different: In addition to the right insulation, the electrical and plumbing installation as well as the installation of a heating system must be done properly – anything but easy for a layman.

Regardless of which variant you choose: Keep in mind that mini houses do not enjoy any special status under building law. It is true that building approval is usually granted in accordance with the simplified approval procedure. Nevertheless, you have to prove both stability and fire protection, and for houses over 50 square meters, you have to submit an energy certificate.

From trend to lifestyle

The Tiny House movement is now beyond hype. More and more people are longing for financial independence and a fresh start without superfluous luxuries. At the same time, depending on the building material, a mini-house significantly reduces the ecological footprint and thus contributes to a sustainable lifestyle.

Do you have further questions about this special type of real estate? Feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your inquiry.

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