What to consider when moving abroad?

You want to know which documents you need for a foreign move and which authorities have to be contacted? Whether you want to emigrate for professional reasons or seek your private happiness far away from home: We at WEISS IMMOBILIEN, as an internationally active real estate agent, inform you about the most important points for preparing your move.

Point 1 : EU or not EU? – That is the question here

When moving abroad, the first question is about your moving destination. Depending on whether you are moving to a country inside or outside the EU, the applications you need to submit to the authorities differ.

  • If you plan to move to another EU country as a German citizen, you can do so at any time without separate permission.
  • The situation is different when moving to a non-EU country. Here you are required to present a special visa and may need a separate work permit.

Point 2 : You need these documents to apply for visa and work permit

When moving to a country outside the EU, you must apply for permission to move and work at the embassy of the respective country. For this you need the following documents:

  • Certified birth certificate and, if applicable, marriage certificate
  • Valid passport and vaccination certificate
  • Employment contract and, if applicable, letter of motivation

If you plan to start your job search on site, you must have a sufficient financial cushion to enable you to return home in the event of an emergency. Just like the amount of the reserves, the fee for the visa also depends on the country.

Important: Note to apply for your visa at least three months before the moving date to have all formalities done in time. It is also important to deregister with authorities such as the residents’ registration office, the tax office, the vehicle tax authority and the employment office or job center before you move abroad and, if necessary, to submit a forwarding request to the post office. The termination of existing contracts and insurance policies in Germany should also be completed before the start of the move.

Point 3 : Hire international moving company

An international moving company specializes in overseas moves and can tell you exactly what steps to take in advance. Depending on whether transport by land is possible or shipping overseas is to take place, the applicable regulations also change. In order to compare the offers of individual companies, it is advantageous to request a cost estimate as early as three months before the planned moving day.

Important: Check in advance with the embassy of the country about the prevailing import regulations. For example, by no means all plant and animal species may be imported abroad in order not to endanger the domestic ecosystem.

If you would like to relocate to Spain or Croatia, we at WEISS IMMOBILIEN will be happy to help you competently and reliably with any further questions you may have regarding your move abroad. We look forward to hearing from you.

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