Real estate annuity – The different models at a glance

To supplement their pensions, many seniors think about selling their homes - even though they don't actually want to move out. A so-called real estate annuity can be the solution here. In our new YouTube video, we explain the most common annuitization models and show you how to improve your financial situation without parting with your home.

Sale with lifelong right of residence

This type of annuitization first proceeds like a normal real estate sale. After you receive the sale proceeds, you may occupy the house rent-free for the rest of your life.

Life annuity: Top up monthly pension

Just as in the case of a sale with a lifelong right of residence, you retain your home in the annuity model of life annuity. While with the first option the buyer pays you the sales price all at once, with the life annuity you benefit from a monthly additional annuity.

Rent back: Change from ownership to tenancy

If you opt for the leaseback model, you will enter into a tenancy relationship as of the transfer of ownership. You get all the proceeds of the sale, but you pay a monthly rent to your buyer.

Usufruct: Profit twice

With the so-called usufruct, you sell your property and are then free to decide what to do with the house in the future. Whether you use the property yourself or rent it out is up to you.

Partial sale: How to remain a co-owner

In a partial sale, you sell up to 50 percent of your property. This way, you remain a co-owner and continue to live in your own home. In return, you pay a monthly amount to the buyer.

Reverse Mortgage: Real estate annuity without sale

With a reverse mortgage, you take out a mortgage on your property. You will then receive either a one-time amount or a monthly installment. Unlike the other annuitization models, you remain the owner.

Comprehensive advice

Due to the consequences of demographic change, real estate annuitization is becoming increasingly important. Are you unsure which retirement model is right for you? We will advise you comprehensively and explain all the advantages and disadvantages. Together we will find the ideal solution for you to supplement your pension and enjoy financial independence. Feel free to write us a message or give us a call.

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