What is Home Staging?
In home staging, properties are furnished with furniture and decoration to suit the target group and complemented by matching wall colors and lighting installations to create a harmonious overall picture. These measures stimulate the imagination of potential buyers and give them a sense of home. Thus, home staging puts a focus on sales promotion. On the other hand, if you have the premises furnished after you move in, this falls under the concept of interior design.
What are the benefits of home staging?
The advantages are clear: the appealing furnishings, pleasant lighting and harmonious color scheme make the property an inviting place to feel at home and, above all, to move in. In addition, the rooms look larger when furnished. Interested parties get the feeling: I would like to live here. As an owner, you can use home staging to shorten the time it takes to sell and increase the price.
Where does the furnishings come from in home staging?
The home stager borrows the furniture for the most part, while often buying accessories such as pictures or vases to go with it and then storing them in a warehouse. Since most prospective buyers have individual ideas about a kitchen, home staging usually uses cardboard furniture to suggest it to create a sense of the room’s dimensions.
By the way, if you as a buyer like the interior, you can buy it in a package price – of course, without the imitation kitchen. If you prefer to furnish yourself, the property will be completely cleared out and handed over in empty condition.
How much does home staging cost?
Home staging usually costs one to three percent pro rata of the sale price of the property and, in the case of our home stager Ronja Onnen, is valid for a period of three months, which can be extended as needed. The cost of home staging will all pay off as you will sell faster and at a better price.
Home staging for your sales success
Are you planning to sell your property in Hamburg? We will be happy to support you with professional home staging and create a wow effect for your prospective buyers. Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you!