What real estate insurance policies should I purchase?

Better safe than sorry: This is especially true for a large investment such as real estate. However, with so many possible insurance policies, it's hard to keep track of them all. Wondering which insurances you can't afford to be without? In this article you will learn the answer.

Residential building insurance

Whether storm, hail or fire: Some hazards destroy your house within minutes and threaten your entire existence. In such situations, the homeowners insurance protects you, which is a must for owners. In the event of damage, you will receive the construction costs for reconstruction.

Home insurance

Imagine that your home is burglarized. Would you be financially able to repurchase all of your major furniture and household appliances in the event of a theft? While homeowners insurance refers to damage to the building, contents insurance covers the cost of items located in your property.

Elementary insurance

Climate change is leaving its mark, also in Germany. In the event of environmental disasters, ranging from earthquakes to floods, the so-called natural hazards insurance protects you. Even if you live in a snowy region, you should consider this insurance, as it also covers damage due to snow avalanches or snow pressure.

Liability insurance

If a person is injured on your property, for example because your sidewalk was not gritted or a roof tile comes loose, you are liable for it. With liability insurance, you protect yourself both from these damages and from damage to property.

Insurances especially for landlords

As a landlord, you will need other insurances. If you do not live in the property yourself, be sure to purchase homeowners and landowners liability insurance. You may pass on the costs to your tenants as ancillary costs. Also, protect yourself from rental nomads and rent defaults with rent default insurance. Landlord’s legal protection insurance also protects you in the event of any legal disputes.

Play it safe

Take out all important insurance policies in good time so that you do not experience any unpleasant surprises. Are you still unsure which insurance fits your situation? Please feel free to contact us. We provide you with comprehensive advice and put you in touch with competent insurance experts from Hamburg and the region.

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