The motto is: prevent in good time instead of expensive repairs. We’ve put together some spring tips to help your home and garden weather the coming year.
Loose roof tiles
Are the roof tiles still tight? If roof tiles fall down and hit someone, you are liable for the damages. By the way, even a single incorrectly seated tile can let in moisture: The insulating material behind it gets wet and mold may form. Check that all the roof tiles are properly seated.
Condition of the roof
Do moss and lichen cover your roof tiles? Is the solar system still in order? Are there any rattling connections on the fireplace? Pay attention to little things before they become “big.”
House facade
Caution. After the first, often rainy, days of spring, moisture damage can occur in your home. Even small traces of damage to the facade can result in expensive repairs if you do not intervene in time. Water running down the wall of the house, moss and lichen infestation, cracks in the plaster or paint that is peeling off can be an indication that moisture is penetrating the building structure. Be sure to remedy this situation.
Risk of mold
If moisture is not taken seriously, there is a risk of mold. Look for small black spots on the silicone joints. And take care of it: to create a permanently dry solution, you should leave the removal of major moisture or mold spots to a specialist.
What does the pond look like? Is it silted up? Does water need to be refilled? Can the pump already be cleaned and used? Do not forget to buy fresh fish food and fish out rotten parts of plants from the pond.
How to help the spring with the first blossoms and flowers? Don’t accidentally step on crocuses and tulips that are now struggling through the ground. Mark the spots with small wooden sticks. Clear the beds of fall leaves to allow air and light to reach the soil. Dig up vegetable beds and before you mow the lawn for the first time, do not forget to scarify it. Get your garden furniture out of the basement, garage or shed and put it in the sun to air out.
Tree pruning
It’s best to consistently cut back very long and rotten branches so they don’t break off during the next storm. Fruit trees are pruned back when the frost-free season begins. Rejuvenate old trees with vigorous pruning. Young trees are pruned only with pruning shears. Coat larger interfaces with a wound healing paste.
Hire craftsman
Spring is perfect for repairs and major upgrades. A new heating system, facade insulation, exterior painting, masonry work – everything works better and goes faster when it’s warm and dry outside. And still the craftsmen have time for you!